Saturday, September 25, 2010

Assignment 2 - Flickr

Here is the URL for my assignment collection.  The images were taken at Longwood Gardens last December during their Christmas display.


Reading Notes - Week 4

Data Compression - Wikipedia

Hooray for another chance for Wikipedia link surfing!  Data compression is the process through which pieces of information are encoded using fewer bits.  This can be lossless or lossy.  While lossy can encode the same information in less space, it appears that it can lose pieces of information, or is less accurate than lossless. 

Data Compression Basics

Here is a quote that I think helps sum it all up. "It lets you store more stuff in the same space, and it lets you transfer that stuff in less time, or with less bandwidth.I used the word "stuff" and not "information" because, for pure data compression algorithms, the compressed file contains exactly the same amount of information as the original one."
This article provides more in depth information on how the encoding process works.  The first part covers the basics of lossless data compression, the second covers lossy compression of audio and still images, and the thirds explains video compression. 

Unfortunately I could not get the other two articles to load.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Muddiest Point - Week 3

Once again, I don't have a muddiest point.  I thought for sure that I would get Linux, UNIX, and all the other technical terms confused, but they were so well explained, I actually understood.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Reading Notes - Week 3

Introduction to Linux

This document answered a lot of questions that I've ever had about Linux.  I knew that it was code for computers, and used for programming but that was about all I knew.  I appreciate that the article tells about the development of Linux, as well as providing some examples of what Linux looks like while in use.  I also appreciate that the author provides an answer to whether or not Linux has a place in the future.  It has several advantages, and is versitile and adaptable.  However, it is not completely user friendly and can be confusing for beginners. 

What is Mac OS X?

Excellent question!  Like the previous article, a brief history of the development of Mac OS X is provided.  Apple's operating system has been adapted as the years go on to better suit their newest technologies.  It has its own issues, and some of them can make work more difficult for some.  For those who prefer not to work with Windows, Mac OS X is a good solution.

Mac OS X - Wikipedia

The Wikipedia article also gives a pretty good background on Mac OS X.  There's a lot of the same information, so I won't go into detail on this one.  Much more time was spent link hopping off of this article.

An Update on the Windows Roadmap

This article comments on updates to Windows software from Windows XP to Vista and now to Windows 7.  They speak of improvements and better performance as time goes on with each of these programs.  My thought on this is simply, wouldn't it be more prudent to make the product the best it can be before its release?  After all, it seems that Microsoft rushes the release of new software, and then spends much of their time fielding complaints and fixing bugs and issues.  A little forethought would go a long way.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Muddiest Point - Week 2

For this week,  I have no muddiest point. 

I'm sure this will be the first and last time this happens.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reading Notes - Week 2

Wikipedia - Personal Computer Hardware

As I am sure many people do, I rely on Wikipedia for everyday information.  Reading this article finally gives me some idea of what makes a computer work.  I have heard all of these terms before, but now I finally know what they mean.  I'm glad that they included some of the obsolete terms as well.  Having read this article, I now have to click on all the connections to understand even more.

Moore's Law -Wikipedia and Video

To be completely honest, it took me quite a few reads to actually understand what was said.  Actually, I'm still not sure I understand it.  I do understand that there is a "law" that allows industry specialists to plan and set goals.  The video explains it a little better.  So, Moore's Law deals with the growth in computing power that has been growing exponentially since the dawn of computers.

Computer History Museum

I had heard of the Computer History Museum before in the Museum Archives class (I think).  I think that this is an important part of our culture that deserves to be memorialized. The museum allows visitors (both online and in person) to get a better idea of the history of computers and their impact on society.

Muddiest Point - Week 1

Are we supposed to only comment on each other's blogs, or do we use the discussion board as well?  Also, some of the due dates are unclear.

Reading Notes - Week 1

Information Literacy and Information Technology Literacy: New Components in the Curriculum for a Digital Culture

Thank you Clifford Lynch!  The differences between Information Literacy and Information Technology Literacy are extremely well explained.  I think it's important to realize that it is one thing to understand the difference between knowing the content of information and knowing the technological infrastructure of that information.  They are individual ideas, but are definitely closely related and dependent upon each other.

2004 Information Format Trends: Content, not Containers

This article provides a nice overview of developments in the technological world.  It also provides some helpful definitions and explanations that will most likely be extremely helpful in the future.

Lied Library @ 4 years

This article nicely summed up the challenges that libraries face as times change.  I think that as humans it is all too easy to pretend that everything will stay the same for the rest of our lives, but technology steams ahead.  I think that Vaughn addresses the issues well and provides a fine example for the rest of us.