Friday, October 22, 2010

Reading Notes - Week 7

How Internet Infrastructure Works

What I found most interesting about this article was the video on the very first page. How often do we see people working on their laptops in just about every public place?  The idea that anyone can access your information using unencrypted wireless networks is rather disconcerting.  I make a habit of only using networks that I have a security code for, but the thought that people can get my info is rather scary.  There goes the internet surfing in the coffee shop...

Sergey Brin and Larry Page on Google

This video was entertaining.  It's amazing to see the globe and imagine how many queries there are on Google at any particular moment.  Google as a company is so diverse and is focused on so many different things.  I was interested in hearing about their philanthropic efforts.  It also appears that they really care about their employees.

Dismantling Integrated  Library Systems

ILS and the web don't always work that well together.  The web has led to the dismantling of ILS, simply because it is able to work in more modular or disconnected ways.  New modules sometimes can't mesh with old modules, and some information just doesn't get communicated the same way.  Technology is great, but it always seems to cause more problems than you would think.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melanie,

    Thank you for addressing how in some aspects the Internet is a double edged sword. With increased access to information and convenience of online services comes greater risks to personal information. I also limit my use of unsecured networks. In an unrelated matter my sisters credit union finally stopped incorporating social security numbers into their bank accounts (weird).
