Saturday, November 20, 2010

Reading Notes - Week 11

Current Developments and future trends for the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting

This project sounds similar to Dublin Core...almost.  Collaboration is so incredibly important especially in this digital age that we live in.  It is also interesting to see the spread of different repositories that are involved.  I can appreciate the challenge that that creates, especially with such different metadata being introduced.

White Paper: The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value

Wow.  I never realized how huge the Internet really was.  I mean, I knew that there were millions of sites out there, but seeing it in numbers really hits home.  I remember from computer class in high school when we learned about search engines and how they work.  I also remember "webcrawler" as one of the original programs, and how similar these search engines really are to spiders.

David Hawking - Web Search Pt 1 and 2

I can't seem to find these articles in their entirety.  However, from the abstracts, I'm getting the idea that these are really interesting and a nice overview of the topic.

1 comment:

  1. I had to use Pitt's Digital Library to get the Hawking articles. If you do a journal search for "ieee computer" it should be the first result. Then to find the articles, I did a basic search of "Web Search Engines" and then refined it with "Hawking." The site is not the easiest to search if you don't know the specific volume or issue. The articles are worth the read if you want to know how basic search engines work.
